Achetez Sevylor Electric Motor 18 LBS, Moteurs de Bateaux et équipement pour seulement 0 $. Trouvez des offres pour sports nautiques et pêche à Waveinn | Livraison …
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Sevylor 12v Electric Trolling Motor 18 Lbs Thrust Model Sbm18 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for …
The 18.5 in. aluminum shaft provides ample room for height adjustments, so the motor controls are always comfortably close. It will provide up to 18 lb. of thrust with two forward and two reverse speeds.
SBM18-12V/180W electric motor specifically designed for smaller bathboats. The ideal motor for swimming lakes and protected waters. 2 settings forward + 2 gear levels …
Exclusive mounting for all Sevylor® boats with SBM18 fittings; Comes with clamp for all boats with transom or motor mounts, max. clamp opening: 4.5cm; Recommended …
12 v electric trolling motor for small boats. Can be adapted to other rigid and inflatable boats. This motor fits Sevylor and other boats with transom or motor mount fittings and is also compatible with the Sevylor 12V …
Moteur hors-bord électrique trolling, support de miroir, pour pêche gonflable avec moteur de bateau, kayak, eau douce et eau salée (12 V-55LBS) 2. 196,39€. Recevez-le …
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Sevylor Electric Trolling Motor for Small Boats at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
- Exclusive mounting for all Sevylor® boats with SBM18 fittings. - Comes with clamp for all boats with transom or motor mounts, max. clamp opening: 4.5cm. - …
Puissance : 180 W. 2 vitesses avant, 2 vitesse arrière. Système de fixation exclusif pour tous les bateaux Sevylor pouvant être équipés d'un moteur SBM18. Vis de fixation …